Jim's and Elizabeth's Genealogy

Elizabeth and Jim have been collecting genealogical data for a number of years. They had the good fortune to live near the LDS Family History Center in Salt Lake City, UT before days of internet and most of their information was gained during this time by referencing microfilms of original documents.

Elizabeth has been researching her ancestors in western New York for over 40 years and Jim almost as many years.

Many of Jim's ancestors can be traced to Revolutionary War Soldiers and their descendants who settled Mason County.

Jim's lineage to Revolutionary War Ancestors is documented with original sources and is registered with the Sons of the American Revolution.

Elizabeth's NY Genealogy Page

Families include:


Kohlhagen, Adam, Schlueter, Zorn  (Buffalo NY area)

Jim's Ten
Revolutionary War Ancestors












For privacy concerns, we have tried to not list information on any person born after 1920 and still living. If we have an error in this, or in any other data, please let us know. If our information is used, we would expect getting the credit for our research or blame for our errors.

As a service to anyone researching their family history, we have listed our lineage on this web site. We do this not only for the benefit of many, but also in hopes that others will find a common ancestor and share with us as we have done.

We have obtained our information from a variety of sources including original documents, family traditions and the Internet. Sources have been documented, but some information, such as e-mail addresses have changed and we have lost touch with our source.

We welcome corrections and additions to our data. Our e-mail address is