Our Home County, Mason County, WV
Fort Randolph
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Reenactor plays psaltry at Fort Randolph

Reenactor Plays Psaltry at Fort Randolph

Jim and Elizabeth now live in Mason County, West Virginia. This county, cradled in a bend in the Ohio River, has a rich history. This area was settled by names like George Washington and Daniel Boone. Before them, Native Americans roamed, hunted and lived on this fertile land for centuries but were pushed aside by settlers from the north and east.

The point gained its first notoriety when approximately 1000 settlers battled Indian Chief Cornstalk at the dawn of the Revolutionary War. Being at the confluence of two rivers, the point prospered for a while but that prosperity waned during the middle of the 20th Century. Several remnants of the past are kept alive by townsfolks and we have selected several to include on our website.